Saturday 27 February 2016

Universal energies and YOU

There is no secret to long and happy life.

You are allowed to manifest in the best and most effective way you can.

We are all different and competition to be the same or "better: than another soul is both a huge waste of your psychic and emotional energy and also puts you immediately at odds with the universe as it is unfolding - now.

It is probably not a good idea to fight the universe. 
Even with our current slightly primitive means of seeing into the nature of the universe, all evidence  tells us emphatically that it is an infinite, infinitely powerful, utterly mysterious entity and not to be trifled with.

Get alongside universal forces, allow them to permeate and support your mindset, your body and your view of the world and the manifest  things in it. Wallow in the fundamental forces of energy, gravity, movement, breath and awareness.

It will be astounding how quickly the universal forces will be accessible to you, to utilise, and benefit from.

With respect and love for that which IS, with gentleness and acceptance of that which WILL BE and with a genuine sense of awe, thrill and wonderment that you are really at the centre of ALL THAT CAN BE.

YOU are  as important and fundamental to the workings of the universe as the Big Bang, Black Holes and atomic energy.

Purify the energy inside you,  the energies around you will shine and things shall be well.


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